La cátedra UNESCO organiza el seminario «Digital Education around the World: Reports from Austria, Colombia and Belarus»
Tendrá lugar el miércoles 31 de mayo de 2017 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Campus de Leganés
Salón de grados del edificio Padre Soler
Avda. de la Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés, Madrid.
Cómo llegar
- En Metro: parada «Leganés Central» de la línea 12 «Metrosur»
- En Renfe‐Cercanías: Parada «Leganés» de la línea C‐5 (desde Atocha en dirección Humanes)
- En coche
09:00- 09:30. Christian Guetl.
«E-Learning in Austria’s Higher Education Sector»
(conferencia en inglés)
Emerging computer-based media and technologies, such as computer games, multi-platform mobile devices as well as web-based services and social media, have changed the way we communicate, interact, find, and process knowledge. Mark Prensky defined this generation, born and grown up in the digital age as ‘digital natives’ who utilize computers and are used to access information virtually at all times and from anywhere. Consequently, the landscape of education is also shifting as the expectations of modern students move towards increased integration of digital technology in their learning environments. This presentation explores the situation of e-learning and e-teaching in the higher education sector in Austria. Furthermore, it gives an overview of e-education initiatives at Graz University of Technology, and it finally covers some selected illustrative examples.
Christian Guetl
Christian Gütl holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology (TUG) and has received the “venia legendi” for applied computer science, and is an associate professor. He is at the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at TUG in Graz, Austria, where he leads the Motivational Media Technologies Group (MMTG). Christian has authored and co-authored in more than 200 peer-reviewed book chapters, journals, and conference proceedings publications. He is involved in numerous organizational and editorial boards as well as program committees. He is the founding member of the global Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), managing editor of J.UCS, and co-editor of the International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL). His research interests include information search and retrieval, e-education, e-assessment, adaptive and social media technologies, virtual reality for learning and knowledge transfer, and data analysis of user and learner interactions.
09:30- 10:00. Mario Solarte.
«Massive Private Online Courses (MPOCs) at University of Cauca (Colombia)»
(conferencia en español)
According to its creator, Professor Wenge Guo Peking University, MPOCs (Massive and Private Online Courses) are halfway between MOOCs and SPOCs. This conference presents the experiences and lessons learned in the use of the MOOC strategy and Open edX in offering transversal courses with academic credits in higher education at University of Cauca (Colombia).
Mario Solarte
Professor of the University of Cauca (Colombia), Master in Enginnering, Candidate Doctor in Telematics Engineering. His areas of interest are Internet Technologies as mediation in learning processes in higher education institutions, learning communities, massive online courses from perspectives such as: academic credit convalidation, monitoring of learning activities, and behavior patterns according to preferences and learning styles . He was coordinator of the Institutional Accreditation Process at University of Cauca for 4 years.
10:00 – 10:30. Marina A. Sednina & Andrei V. Zuyonok.
«State and prospects of the development of the informatization of education in the Republic of Belarus»
(conferencia en inglés)
The report will tell about the current state of Informatization of the education system of the Republic of Belarus with the description of existing problems in this area. On current legislation, government plans and main directions of development of Informatization of education in our country.
Marina A. Sednina
The Deputy Director of the International Institute of Distance Education (IIDE) Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU), Minsk, Republic of Belarus. (http://en.bntu.by/), as well as a senior teacher of the Department «Information technologies in management», International Institute of distance education (IIDE).
Area of interest at the moment: implementation of system approach in education. optimization of educational process in distance education
Andrei V. Zuyonok
The assistant professor post graduate student of the Department «Information systems and technologies» of the International Institute of Distance Education (IIDE) Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU), Minsk, Republic of Belarus. (http://en.bntu.by/).
Area of interest at present: the use of modern information technologies in various spheres of the educational process, the use of distance education systems.