HybridEd Workshop 2018: Successful and Promising Experiences in Blended Learning with MOOCs
MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 21 June 2018
MIT Stata Center (32-082)
Workshop Theme
Blended Learning (BL) has gained considerable attention and debate within the education community, particularly in Higher Education (HE) [1]. BL (or hybrid learning or flipped classroom) has been proposed as as an effective and low-risk strategy to blend online with face-to-face learning in HE and other educational levels [1], [2]. Although different authors have described varied approaches in how this blend occurs [3], [4], [5], many promising BL models in practice remain undocumented in the literature.
One such model includes using MOOCs as a resource for BL. Prior efforts have been made to organize BL practices based on MOOCs in a framework called H-MOOC, since HE institutions have started to\use their MOOC materials in hybrid learning initiatives implemented as traditional courses with face-to-face meetings [4]. The H-MOOC framework classifies these practices as a continuum of two factors: (1) institutional support to reuse an existing MOOC, and (2) curricular content alignment between the MOOC and the program or course to blend. In STEM education, different blended approaches have been adopted to avoid the traditional lecture and stimulate student interest and engagement with online course material [6]. There is some evidence that BL contributes to improved course outcomes and attendance in face-to-face classes [1]. However, more information is needed in what makes a BL practice successful.
In this context, the goal of this workshop is to promote the documentation of successful and promising experiences in BL. The workshop will encourage attendees to share their BL scenarios and the metrics for success that guided their blended educational practices using MOOCs or other online resources as well as share the lessons learned from those promising practices that did not turn out as expected. The Program Committee will provide inspiring talks and participatory activities based on the H-MOOC framework and recent research findings [4].
In summary, we aim to document and sustain BL experiences with MOOCs or other digital learning materials.
Call for Papers
Please submit a two-page document as an extended abstract reporting about a successful or promising (not necessarily successful) experience on using MOOCs or other digital resources for Blended Learning pedagogies in higher education and other domains (secondary education, vocational training, lifelong learning, among others). The topics include but are not limited to:
- Documenting successful Blended Learning experiences using MOOCs (or other digital content), highlighting design decisions and metrics for success.
- Documenting promising Blended Learning experiences using MOOCs (or other digital content), highlighting lessons learned.
- Documenting “unsuccessful” Blended Learning experiences using MOOCs or (or other digital content), highlighting lessons learned.
- Research on Blended Learning Assessment and Evaluation.
Submit your contribution via the EasyChair system.
Important Dates
- Submissions deadline:
April 20, 2018, April 30, 2018. - Notification of acceptance:
April 30, 2018, May 12, 2018 - Workshop: June 21, 2018
Projects presented at the workshop session may be invited for publication afterwards in a book.
Tentative Schedule
8:45 Welcome
9:00 Opening by David Pritchard, MIT
9:30 Keynote by Chris Dellarocas, Associate Provost for Digital Learning & Innovation, Boston University
10:00 Break
10:30 Participatory activity I (from selected abstracts) moderated by Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, PUC Chile
- Daniel Seaton and Adam Nahari: Supplementing Residential Courses with Open Online Content: Practices and Opportunities at Harvard (HybridEd_2018_paper_2)
- Kim Manturuk: The MOOC “Level-Up”: Hybrid Learning to Prepare Students for Advanced Coursework (HybridEd_2018_paper_3)
- Christina Hendricks, Stefan Reinsberg and Georg Rieger: Student perceptions of a blended first-year physics course with an open textbook (HybridEd_2018_paper_4)
- Darcy Gordon and Mary Ellen Wiltrout: Student Feedback on Implementing a Molecular Visualization Tool in General Biochemistry in Class and Online (HybridEd_2018_paper_5)
- Joshua Littenberg-Tobias and Justin Reich: «Yeah, I know this»: Student experiences with alternative credentials in a blended MicroMasters program (HybridEd_2018_paper_9)
- Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra and Rocael Hernández Rizzardini: Promising Experiences with Hybrid Instruction for the Inclusion of Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments (HybridEd_2018_paper_1)
- Mark Greenman and Andrew Duffy: Project Accelerate: A Blended Program for Underserved High School Students (HybridEd_2018_paper_8)
- Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Enrique Llorente-Pérez and Carlos Delgado Kloos: Supporting Hybrid Learning through MOOC Contents: Comparison between Different Bachelor’s Degree Programs and Editions of the Same Course (HybridEd_2018_paper_17)
- Jennifer French: Designing a MOOC on the Laplace Transform for Blended Learning (HybridEd_2018_paper_18)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Participatory activity II (from selected abstracts) moderated by Mary Ellen Wiltrout, MIT
- Peter Barendse, Alexandra Berg, Thiago Bergamaschi and Lauren Berk: Adding computing and interactivity to traditional, online, and blended courses using Wolfram Language tools (HybridEd_2018_paper_6)
- Ella Hamonic, Anja Hopma, Baptiste Gaultier and Denis Moalic: Teaching Digital Manufacturing Experimenting Blended-Learning Models By Combining MOOC And On-site Workshops In FabLabs (HybridEd_2018_paper_7)
- María Fernanda Rodríguez, Josefina Hernández, Jorge Maldonado and Mar Pérez-Sanagustín: Development of a blended learning initiative using MOOCs (HybridEd_2018_paper_10)
- Jorge Maldonado-Mahauad, Mar Perez-Sanagustin, Guillermo Pacheco, Maria Isabel Espinoza Hidrobo and Jorge Luis Bermeo Conto: Analyzing students’ SRL strategies when using a MOOC as a Book (HybridEd_2018_paper_11)
- Michelle Tomasik and Peter Dourmashkin: Use of Online Videos Developed for a MOOC in the MIT Introductory Physics Classes (HybridEd_2018_paper_12)
- Ewoud de Kok and Jan Hein Gooszen: Using MOOCs-videos for interactive knowledge transfer and Peerfeedback for deeper learning (HybridEd_2018_paper_13)
- Daniel Seaton and Dan Davis: Toward Large-Scale Learning Design: Categorizing Course Designs in Service of Supporting Learning Outcomes (HybridEd_2018_paper_14)
- Liling Huang and Brad Wheeler: Integrating Interactive Online Modules of Chinese Pragmatics into a Blended Course
- Robert Rubin and Alexander Sutherland: An Adaptive H-MOOC for Scrum@Scale Training (HybridEd_2018_paper_16)
14:30 Break
15:00 Looking Back and into the Future led by Carlos Delgado Kloos, UC3M
16:30 End
- David E. Pritchard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Mary Ellen Wiltrout, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Saif Rayyan, Cengage, USA
- Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Carlos Delgado-Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Program Committee
- Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Raquel M. Crespo-García, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Carlos Delgado-Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Saif Rayyan, Cengage, USA
- Jessica Sandland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Daniel Seaton, Harvard University, USA
- Mary Ellen Wiltrout, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA