La cátedra UNESCO organiza el seminario «TTM: Using Micro Learning and Learning Analytics to Improve Student Self-Reflection»
Tendrá lugar día 19 de octubre de 12:00 a 14:00 en el aula 3.S1.08 (edificio Rey Pastor)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Campus de Leganés
Aula 3.S1.08 (edificio Rey Pastor)
Avda. de la Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés, Madrid.
Cómo llegar
- En Metro: parada «Leganés Central» de la línea 12 «Metrosur»
- En Renfe‐Cercanías: Parada «Leganés» de la línea C‐5 (desde Atocha en dirección Humanes)
- En coche
12:00-14:00. Dr Christopher Cheong
“TTM: Using Micro Learning and Learning Analytics to Improve Student Self-Reflection”
(conferencia en inglés)
Understanding one’s own learning process is a critical skill in tertiary education. This skill is not typically taught and it is assumed that students have acquired it from their primary and secondary schooling. However, many tertiary students do not know how to learn effectively.
In this presentation, Dr Cheong will discuss the work he has carried out with his team on developing a sustainable solution to address this issue, i.e., allow students to learn about their own learning processes by teaching them how to self-reflect on their own learning progress. A learning analytics system was designed and developed to support students in this process. The system collects students’ learning data to present visual artefacts describing their learning progress. Through consultation with their tutors, students were able to learn how to interpret the visualisations to gain insights on their learning approaches.
In the short-term, this allows students to analyse, monitor, and revise their learning approach. In the long term, this will form a strong foundation for developing active and lifelong learning attitudes in students as they will be able to apply this approach throughout their professional careers and lives beyond their time at university.
Christopher Cheong is a senior lecturer in the School of Business IT and Logistics, RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia). He was awarded a PhD in Computer Science from RMIT University in 2008. During his time at RMIT University, he has held various positions such as Information Systems Major Coordinator, Director of Undergraduate Programs, and Chair of the College of Business Research Ethics Committee. In 2016, he was awarded an Office of Learning and Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, a national peer-reviewed award from the Australian Government’s Department of Education and Training.
His research interest is focused on the use of technology to enhance the student experience and learning, particularly in improving student motivation and engagement. He is an Associate Editor-in-Chief for two IT education journals: Journal of Information Technology Education: Research and Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice. He is also currently a co-chair for the IS Education and E-Learning track at the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2018 to be held in Yokohoma, Japan in 2018.