Carlos Delgado Kloos, director de la Cátedra UNESCO, participa en la conferencia “CITT 2018 The 4th International Conference on Technology Trends»

We already know, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are disrupting the established order in the Industrial Age. All processes (business, personal, conceptual, of all kinds) are transformed, business models are modified and new ones are identified. The instantaneous and massive communication capacity eliminates many of the frictions and stiffness of the Industrial Age.
How does the exponential evolution of ICT affect teaching-learning processes?
We see how MOOCs (massive open online courses) expand the scope of the recipients of education with little effort and how learning analytics allows us to go into details of the educational process never before observed. But this only represents in principle what is possible. In the presentation, we will reflect on the opportunities that lie before us,but also on the challenges, uncertainties and difficulties of managing change.
